Returns and Exchanges

You may return any item (excluding personalised kits) within 28 days from date of receipt in it's original condition and packaging for a refund of the price paid for the item. We cannot accept refunds or exchanges for items that have been washed. 

Faulty, mistakenly picked items or damaged in transit items will be fully refunded at your request (we must be informed of any damaged in transit items within 72 hours).

In this instance we will require you to send the goods back to us with proof of purchase, including your order number if purchased online, and a brief note of the fault.                                                                                                     

If you wish to exchange any unwanted items (excluding personalised kits), you can do so within 28 days of receipt. Any items you wish to exchange must be in its original condition and packaging.

To exchange or return any items in-store: Please ensure you have a copy of your original receipt, whether its an online order invoice or a receipt from the Store (please check the store opening times section before making a journey to us).

To return any items via post: Please send back to the below address along with proof of purchase and your order number. Please note we are only able to process refunds via post - no exchanges.

Club Shop, Swindon Town Football Club, The County Ground, County Road, Swindon, SN1 2ED

  • We cannot accept responsibility for returned goods lost in transit. It is your responsibility to obtain proof of postage and ensure the goods are sent back to us using a tracked delivery option.
  • We will not be able to refund or exchange any goods without proof of purchase.
  • We do not offer refunds or exchanges on any DVDs, CD's, facemasks, underwear, swimwear, pierced jewellery and items specifically manufactured to your order can only be refunded or exchanged if the goods are deemed to be faulty.
  • We are unable to refund or exchange a personalised product once it has been printed with either a player's name and number or a custom name and number; this still applies in the event of a player leaving the club and/or changing his squad number. There are strictly no exceptions to this policy.

    Swindon Town Football Club will not be held responsible for the length of time a player is at the club following personalisation of products. A refund or exchange will be permitted if the product is deemed faulty.